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Citrus Growers See First Flight of California Red Scale

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Using Degree-Days to Track Codling Moth

Degree-days are an incredibly helpful tool for monitoring pests and subsequently timing sprays and other pest management techniques. Learn more about how degree-days can help you..

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Monitor for Oriental Fruit Moth with Suterra's Traps and Lures

Oriental fruit moth is a common and potentially damaging pest in peach orchards. Monitoring for this insect on your farm is a critical component of your integrated pest management..

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Monitoring for Codling Moth in Walnut Orchards

As March approaches, traps to monitor the first codling moth flight will soon be placed in walnut orchards. Below are some reminders of best practices for monitoring and managing..

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Best Practices on Codling Moth Monitoring in Apple Orchards

Codling moth traps will soon be hung in apple orchards in the Pacific Northwest. Now is a great time to refresh your knowledge on how to look out for this pest using traps and..

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Best Practices for Monitoring California Red Scale

With spring approaching, the citrus industry in California will soon begin monitoring for California Red Scale. Now is a great time to review best practices for monitoring the..

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California Red Scale 4th Flight Update

In the Central Valley of California, depending on location, the fourth flight of California Red Scale Aonidiella aurantii in citrus would have started between the 20th and 30th of..

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Trapping and Monitoring for Vine Mealybug in California Grapes

The vine mealybug (VMB) is a serious insect pest of grapes grown in California. There are only a few chemical management options available, and the more that these are used, the..

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