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Pheromone Traps & Lures

Monitoring is a key aspect of a successful Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy. Trap capture data provides an understanding of flight timing, pest prevalence, and hot spots; allowing growers to apply control products with precision. Suterra offers a wide range of traps and lures to be used for these diagnostic purposes. Choose Suterra’s top-quality traps and lures to successfully implement this crucial aspect of your IPM strategy.

Rest Easy. Puffer® keeps pests under control

"After the Suterra product is up. I can sleep at night knowing something is out there working."


Brandon Koch
PCA | the Wonderful company



The BioLure®, Suterra’s exclusive line of moth lures, was developed in-house taking real world applications into account.

The BioLure® uses Suterra’s proprietary passive release technology ensuring long lasting lure attractiveness. Adhesive backing allows the BioLure® to easily adhere to the side wall or roof of the trap. Thanks to the unique ability to position the pheromone lure, it does not interfere with routine trap servicing. The lack of interference reduces the risk of cross contamination generating more reliable and accurate captures. The BioLure® is not activated until the user removes the front peel-off cover. This feature eliminates contact with the active substrate during deployment.

NOW BioLure

Navel Orangeworm (NOW)

Item #15077

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14943 Large Plastic Delta (LPD)

CM BioLure Pack

Codling Moth 1X (CM)

Item #14932

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14943 Large Plastic Delta (LPD)

CM 10x BioLure

CM 10x BioLure

Item #14933

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14943 Large Plastic Delta (LPD)


Combo CM (CM)

Item #18302

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14943 Large Plastic Delta (LPD)

OFM BioLure Pack

Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM)

Item #14995

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14943 Large Plastic Delta (LPD)

SPM BioLure Pack

Indian Meal and Stored Product Moths (IMM and SPM)

Item #12577

100 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 15060 Small Paper Delta (SPD)

Walnut Husk Fly Biolure Pack

Walnut Husk Fly (WHF)

Item #15597

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 15063 Walnut Husk Fly Trap


Pheromone Traps

Traps that can withstand the challenges of harsh agricultural climates are a fundamental component of a successful monitoring program.

As a grower-owned company, Suterra has integrated our own experience as well as customer feedback into the design of our traps. Suterra traps can withstand the elements and are purpose built for agriculture.

With a focus on quality, Suterra provides trusted monitoring materials built to help growers gather reliable results and make informed decisions.

Wing Trap Assembled

Wing Trap Kit

Item #14941

50 kits per case

Wing Trap Bottoms

Wing Trap Bottom

Item #14942

100 bottoms per case

Large Plastic Delta

Large Plastic Delta Trap Kits (LPD)

Item #14943

25 kits per case

Large Plastic Delta Liner

Large Plastic Delta Liners (LPD)

Item #14944

100 liners per case

Wing Trap Hangers

Wing Trap Hangers

Item #14946

25 hangers per case

Scale Trap

Scale Pest Traps

Item #14951

100 cards per case

Navel Orangeworm Egg Trap

NOW Egg Traps with Hangers

Item #14990

50 kits per case

Small Paper Delta Trap

Small Paper Delta Trap Kits (SPD)

Item #15060

50 kits per case

Walnut Husk Fly Trap

Walnut Husk Fly (WHF)

Item #15603

100 traps per case

Septa Lures

Suterra septa lures integrate Suterra’s unparalleled focus on quality with a tried and true lure design. Each septa lure is individually sealed for freshness. This traditional lure design is easy to use and a reliable component of a grower’s monitoring program.

crs septa lure and scale pest trap in citrus
BAW Septa Lure Pack

Beet Armyworm (BAW)

Item #15101

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14943 Large Plastic Delta (LPD)

CRS Septa Lure Pack

California Red Scale (CRS)

Item #14931

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14951 Scale Pest Trap

14979 DBM Septa Lure

Diamondback Moth (DBM)

Item #14979

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14941 Wing Trap

15927 GMB Septa Lure Pack

Grape Mealybug (GMB)

Item #16927

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 15060 Small Paper Delta (SP

15300 OLR Septa Lure Pack

Omnivorous Leafroller (OLR)

Item #15330

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14943 Large Plastic Delta (LPD)

PTB Septa Lure Pack

Peach Twig Borer (PTB)

Item #14997

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14943 Large Plastic Delta (LPD)

14987 TPW Septa Lure Pack

Tomato Pinworm (TPW)

Item #14987

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 14943 Large Plastic Delta (LPD)

15004 VMB Septa Lure Pack

Vine Mealybug (VMB)

Item #15004

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 15060 Small Paper Delta (SPD)

17382 CMB Septa

Citrus Mealybug (CMB)

Item #17382

25 lures per pack
Suggested Trap: 15060 Small Paper Delta (SPD)

Monitoring Techniques For Your Pest

PEST OFM Pest Illustration


CM Pest Illustration


NOW Pest Illustration


PTB Pest Illustration




DBM Pest Illustration


CRS Pest Illustration


VMB Pest Illustration


VMB Pest Illustration


VMB Pest Illustration




Large Plastic Delta Trap

Wing Trap

Scale Card

Small Paper
Delta Trap

WHF Panel Trap


OFM BioLure®

CM 1X, CM 10X,
or Combo CM BioLure®
Septa Lure
Septa Lure
Septa Lure
Septa Lure
Septa Lure
Septa Lure
Septa Lure
Trap Density At least 1 trap per 15-20 acres; minimum 2 per block At least 1 trap per 10 acres;
minimum 2 per block
At least 2 traps per 10-20 acres;
minimum 2 per block
At least 2 traps
per 10 acres; minimum
2 per block
Timing & Cadence Hang by mid-February;
check weekly through
final flight
Hang in early spring;
check weekly through
final flight
Hang by mid-March;
check weekly through
final flight
Hang ahead of historical
first flight biofix depending
on the crop; check weekly
through final flight
Hang at planting; check weekly through end of harvest Hang in February;
check every 1-2 weeks
through final flight
Hang by early March;
check every 1-2 weeks
through final flight
Hang in April;
check every 1-2 weeks
through final flight
Hang in mid-May; check at least weekly until approximately 3 weeks before harvest
Trap Replacement Every Season At each check As needed
Liner Replacement As needed N/A
Lure Replacement Every other month Monthly
Trap & Liner Storage Avoid excessive heat
Lure Storage Refrigerator or room temperature

Monitoring Resources

Oranges in orange grove

Effective Monitoring and Control of California Red Scale in Citrus Groves

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Red and Confused Flour Beetles: Pest Profile

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