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Suterra® is proud to bring our proven BioMagnet™ technology  to North America. Its dramatic efficacy, long duration and ease of use make it the most innovative and sustainable way to protect crops against fly damage.


Unmatched Duration

The longest persistence on the market with 4 or 6 months of maximum effectiveness.


Field Optimized

With zero REI, zero PHI and easy deployment the product supports all styles of field operations. 


Self Contained

Insecticide never touches the crop and the coating is resistant to weather and agricultural activities.  


Versatile Hook

Quick and easy placement. Designed to fit easily into many different cropping systems. 

The Evolution of Insecticide

BioMagnet™ is the new biocontrol system that offers maximum control with minimal effort. BioMagnet™ is placed in the field and is effective for several months. The powerful attractant brings the fly to the device, contacting the insecticide coating upon landing. The fly ingests the insecticide through its natural grooming behavior. The effect is not immediate; some flies fall in the same place, and others fly a few yards before dying.


Maximum Protection

With a single deployment its months-long duration ensures maximum control while minimizing the use of other insecticides. 

Maximum Yield

Increase your marketable fruit at every stage of the quality control process with dramatic larval reduction. 

Maximum Sustainability

Treat the pest, not the crop. With no spraying and far less insecticide, increase safety for workers and consumers alike. 


Attract and Kill

BioMagnet™ is the latest evolution of bait treatments and the most innovative "attract and kill" system. Eliminating the mess and danger of liquids, the attractant is fully contained in the device. 

After more than 10 years working in the Mediterranean basin, South Africa, and Latin America, Suterra is proud to bring our proven BioMagnet™ technology to North America. 

The unique formulation and a special application method guarantees pest control throughout the field without spraying. 

Easy To Use

Lightweight and simple to install, the device is fast and easy to deploy correctly in any field.

Pollinator Friendly

Unattractive to pollinators and beneficial insects, the product is a perfect partner to a sustainable IPM program.

Reduces Carbon Footprint

Reduces carbon footprint by minimizing machinery usage, reducing labor, fuel, and water consumption. 

Global BioMagnet Product Line


BioMagnet Ruby

for the control of spotted wing drosophila
(Drosophila suzukii)


BioMagnet Amber

for the control of Mediterranean fruit fly
(Ceratitis capitata)


BioMagnet Oro

for the control of olive fruit fly
(Bactrocera oleae)

Disclaimer: Not all products available in all geographies. Contact us for products available in your region.

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