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CheckMate® is an innovative liquid pheromone that empowers farmers to protect crops sustainably. 


Heavy Hitter

Include in every IPM program for longer lasting protection than traditional insecticides


Innovative Chemistry

Precision microencapsulation safeguards the active ingredient making it resilient in the field


Flexible Application

Can be applied at low volumes or high speeds with spray rig, backpack, drone, etc.


Unique MOA

Fight insecticide resistance with a distinct mode of action

The Only Sprayable Pheromone

Suterra’s sprayable microencapsulated formulations are designed to have a slow, consistent release rate over multiple weeks. Each unique formulation is designed by our chemists to meet the needs of that specific pheromone. The microencapsulation pheromone allows CheckMate® sprayable products to have a longer residual activity profile than many insecticides. Billions of tiny pheromone dispensers are distributed throughout the targeted environment and release the active ingredient to dramatically reduce damage.


Maximum Coverage

Pheromone permeates the air; the spray droplets do not need to come in direct contact with pests 

Maximum Flexibility

Long duration allows for protection when you need it. Respond all season based on pest pressure

Maximum Simplicity

Sprayed like a conventional insecticide, and works with any equipment, speed, and water volume

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Grower Benefits

Sprayable mating disruption is a flexible and cost-effective pest management solution that allows growers to adapt quickly to in-season conditions. It enables targeted applications during specific pest periods, reducing populations and crop damage with minimal upfront investment. The familiar application process integrates easily into existing IPM programs, enhancing overall efficiency.

This method is safe, sustainable, and non-toxic, protecting crops until harvest without harmful residues and allowing quick re-entry for field workers. It complements other pest control tactics, such as beneficial insects and biopesticides, making all measures more effective by reducing pest populations.

Tank Mix for Free Rides

Conveniently tank-mixable with common agrochemicals, enhancing pest control flexibility and integration into existing IPM programs

Pollinator Friendly

Safe and unattractive to pollinators and beneficial insects, the product is a perfect partner to a sustainable IPM program

Zero PHI and MRL Exempt

Allowing safe and timely access to crops for field workers and harvesting

Sprayable CheckMate® Product Line

15065 NOW-F Bottle

CheckMate® NOW-F

for the control of Navel orangeworm
(Amyelois transitella)

16667 VMB-F Bottle

CheckMate® VMB-F

for the control of Vine mealybug
(Planococcus ficus)

16349 DBM-F Bottle

CheckMate® DBM-F

for the control of Diamondback moth
(Plutella xylostella)


CheckMate® CM 2.0 Flowable

for the control of Codling moth
(Cydia pomonella)

16203 OFM-F Bottle

CheckMate® OFM-F

for the control of Oriental fruit moth
(Grapholita molesta)

16221 PTB-F Bottle

CheckMate® PTB-F

for the control of Peach twig borer
(Anarsia lineatella)

Disclaimer: Not all products available in all geographies. Contact us for products available in your region.

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