Mating Disruption for California Red Scale
CheckMate® CRS
CheckMate® CRS is Suterra’s sustainable and highly effective mating disruption dispenser for control of California red scale (CRS) in citrus and other crops where CRS is present.
The product lasts a full calendar year, giving you peace of mind that your crop is fully and consistently protected.
This product utilizes Suterra’s proprietary technology for continuous release throughout the season. Easy to deploy, the dispensers penetrate inside the canopy and are compatible with all integrated pest management (IPM) tools. This product is suitable for organic production and OMRI listed. Click the OMRI logo below to download the current OMRI certificate.
Why Growers Choose CheckMate® CRS Dispenser
Efficacious control of California red scale
Reduces pest populations
Fights development of insecticide resistance
Easy-to-deploy proprietary pheromonerelease technology
One application offers a full calendar year of mating disruption
Compatible with all IPM tools
Authorized for organic production
Does not harm beneficial insects
Application Rate
180 per acre
Item #
Available In
Damage Reduction
The addition of CheckMate® CRS dispensers into a comprehensive IPM program cuts California red scale damage by up to 95%.
% Citrus Damage
Trap Inhibition
CheckMate® CRS dispensers hinders the ability of males to find pheromone traps as compared to areas treated with grower standard practices.
Non Mating Disruption Reference | CheckMate® CRS
CRS Trap Captures
California Red Scale
(Aonidiella aurantii)
Citrus Crops
Monitor mating disruption using scale pest traps baited with a Suterra CRS septa lure
Hang traps early in the season
One set of traps per 5-20 acres; at least 2 traps per block
Check traps weekly, replacing lures monthly
Replace traps as needed to ensure stickiness
Look for CRS on twigs and fruit after each generation
Visible fruit damage usually occurs in late summer and early autumn
California red scale causes downgraded and rejected fruit at the packinghouse in addition to defoliation and yield loss in the field due to high populations.
Identification of California Red Scale
(Aonidiella aurantii)
Best Practices for Monitoring California Red Scale
Jan 29, 2021 5:30:00 AM
With spring approaching, the citrus industry in California will soon begin monitoring for California Red Scale. Now is a great time to review best...
Effective Monitoring and Control of California Red Scale in Citrus Groves
Apr 25, 2024 9:15:00 AM
With spring here, it’s a great idea for citrus growers to monitor their fields for California red scale, if they haven’t already. Need a quick...
Protecting Your Citrus Crop from California Red Scale
Jan 14, 2022 1:25:19 PM
California red scale (CRS) is a tiny, strange-looking insect pest that can cause significant damage to citrus. CRS has developed resistance to...
Solutions for California Red Scale
Utilizing mating disruption for California Red Scale control is simple and effective. CheckMate® CRS dispensers give you the ability to reduce damage caused by California Red Scale.