Webinar Library
Suterra's team of industry leading professionals cover topics across the industry from mating disruption, pest identification and monitoring, and integrated pest management best practices.
If you missed our live webinars through our various partners, you can watch them here. Please note that these webinar replays do not count towards CEU or DPR credits.
Elevating your IPM Program with Sprayable Pheromone for Navel Orangeworm
Learn how to incorporate sprayable pheromones into your integrated pest management (IPM) program and how to benefit from this highly effective and unique approach to mating disruption. The presentation will focus on the control of navel orangeworm in California nut crops.
Reduce California Red Scale Damage with Mating Disruption
Learn more about IPM approaches for reducing damage caused by California red scale in citrus. Suterra Technical Field Manager Mando Perez brings years of experience and knowledge to attendees in this informative and engaging webinar. They will discuss best practices for successful incorporation of mating disruption as part of an effective IPM program and it’s benefits including the reduction of insecticide inputs and improved crop quality.
Minimize Pest Damage & Maximize Crop Quality with Aerosol Mating Disruption
Learn more about IPM approaches for managing key pests. Navel orangeworm, Oriental Fruit Moth, and codling moth are all increasing problems for California growers. Reducing crop damage caused by these pests requires a modern and fully integrated pest management program. Emily Symmes, Ph.D., will discuss best practices for successful incorporation of mating disruption pheromones along with how to use the latest in aerosol technology emitters as part of an effective IPM program.
Suterra Mating Disruption Solutions for California Specialty Crops
This 10-minute label update was originally presented by Suterra's Emily Symmes, Ph.D. (Senior Manager, Technical Team) at the CAPCA Kern County chapter meeting on January 11, 2023.
Please note that CEU credit is only available for CAPCA members who attended the in-person meeting.