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CheckMate DBM-F: Flexible Spray Timings for Diamondback Moth Control

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Starting Early in Cole Crops with DBM-F Flowable

The early bird gets the worm - this idiom is more applicable than ever when it comes to diamondback moth. Are you familiar with the benefits of starting early with mating..

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Understanding Diamondback Moth: Crop Protection and Mating Disruption

Are you a cole crop grower or crop advisor for cole crops? Diamondback moth is one of the largest threats to cole crop yields worldwide. Learn more about this pest and how to..

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Parasitoid wasp releases in vineyards and cole crops

Want to learn more about how people are optimizing the use of beneficial insects in their vineyards or fields? Read this article for information on parasitoid wasps, other..

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The Science of Microencapsulated Pheromone Technology

Suterra is a global leader in pheromone mating disruption. We manufacture our own active ingredients and the various pheromone delivery systems we offer – aerosols (Puffer®),..

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4 Best Ways to Manage DBM in Cole Crops

The insect name ‘diamondback moth’ is a familiar one to vegetable growers around the world, and for good reason- this lepidopteran pest causes billions of dollars of crop damage..

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Free eBook on Diamondback Moth Management

The diamondback moth presents a significant challenge for American producers of cruciferous plants. It is uniquely adept at developing resistance to traditional insecticides, can..

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Monitoring for Diamondback Moth in Cole Crops

Diamondback moth can damage a wide variety of cole crops if left unchecked. Remind yourself of best practices when monitoring for this pest with these tips and tricks.

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