Have you seen the latest video produced by the Lodi Winegrape Commission? It features various Vine Mealybug biocontrol measures in California vineyards.
Suterra is proud to have our CheckMate® VMB-XL product featured in this video produced by the Lodi Winegrape Commission. This educational video describes the economic damage of the Vine Mealybug, how it spreads, the impact of the virus for which it’s a vector, and several innovative biocontrol measures they trialed in a multi-year project funded by Western SARE.
Loraine Lee, one of Suterra’s account managers in California, explains: “For the past few years, I’ve been working closely with this group to help with the education and adoption of mating disruption. We’ve made huge progress in this area and I’m very proud of the work we’ve done and the help Suterra has provided these growers.”
Although the Lodi project featured the dispenser products, many growers in this region have also found success with CheckMate® VMB-F, our sprayable mating disruption product to control Vine Mealybug. Use the Contact Us form on our website to request more information, or visit our VMB products page.