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Is USDA NRCS EQIP Funding Right for Your Farm?

Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Grower Funding Opportunities for IPM Practices

Integrated Pest Management solutions offer long-term benefits for growers. The use of mating disruption prevents pests from building up insecticide resistance and reduces pest damage. In addition to these direct benefits to the grower, mating disruption is also ecologically friendly, leaves no residueand is suitable to use in organic orchards.

Growers are not the only members of the agricultural community with an increasing interest in IPM and mating disruption. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)’s EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program) recognizes the ecological benefits of IPM, and through this program, the NCRS is willing to provide financial incentives to growers who implement environmentally friendly practices like mating disruption.

What is the NRCS?

The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a voluntary conservation program from the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) that offers farmers financial and technical assistance to help plan and implement conservation practices.

How do you apply for NRCS funds?

The first step is to contact your local NRCS office. Your local NRCS conservationist will guide you through applying for the program. 

Who gets NRCS funding?

Generally, the NRCS prioritizes applications that will more effectively address existing natural resource concerns using NRCS conservation practices. The greater the environmental benefit, the higher the likelihood that the application will be selected for funding.

How does NRCS funding work?

NRCS will offer you an EQIP contract to receive financial assistance for the cost of implementing your conservation practice. Payment rates for conservation practices are reviewed and set each fiscal year by the USDA.

What are key NRCS funding requirements?

Must address a priority natural resource concern (such as excess pesticides transported to surface and ground water).

How to Apply for Funding

To enter the application pool to receive funding for mating disruption, growers need to contact their local NRCS office.

Once in communication with an NRCS staff member, the grower will receive an NRCS site assessment. If the organization determines that a grower is a good fit for the program (applicants must meet certain requirements, such as earning less than $900K per year), they can then submit their formal application. Growers that are selected for the program can expect to hear back several months after the application deadline.